Tractor & Generator Parts
We manufacture Press Metal Components to the Tractor Industries. These components are on par with the industry standards and are known for their smooth operations and durable performance.

Motor Vehicle Parts
We specialise in the production of high-quality automobile parts for two-wheelers, cars, and jeeps, among other vehicles.
Genset Parts
We will solve our press component parts needs with the best and most cost-effective Genset Industries parts as a well-established bespoke metal fabricator.
Elevator Frames & Mounting Brackets
With cost-effective and high-quality goods, we effectively manufacture a variety of Sheet Metal components for the elevator industry.

Godrej Forklift Parts

Electrical Parts
Consider us to be the greatest manufacturer of a wide selection of speaker parts for a variety of well-known customers.
Metal Furniture Parts
Through Merchant Exporter, we make export quality furniture components for overseas countries to keep their varied items.